Disney Snow White Glitter

Rabu, 17 Februari 2016


Hi guys ! I have read about this intresting book and I want to share about netiqutte. From this book I have learned so much about netiqutte. From 10 points about netiqutte I will tell you 3 points that I think that is intresting for me. So I have choosed number 4,5 and 6.

The first point is "Make your self good for online" If you want to write something first you have pay attention with your grammar. Because that is important for people to understand what you write and be sure what you know that you are writing about and you have to check it before posting your writing.

The second point is "Respect other people time and bandwitch" If you have an opinion you have to ask someone to agree about your opinion. Do not try to expect instant responses to all your questions and do not assume all readers will agree with or care obout your opiniom.

The last point is "Share expect knowledge" if you have some questions and you post it at the internet or your blog. People will answer it and help you to solve your questions. When you have all the answers write the summary and post it to discussion group. It will be polite that you can share the result of your questions with others(maybe your friend).

That's all that I can share for you. Hope you like and enjoy my summary.
I think it's an intresting book because you can learn about netiqutte and you can get more knowledge from this book.
Thanks :)
Don't forget to write your comment here. :)

3 komentar:

  1. hiyya salts! you are doing a good job here, but before you publish it, make sure that you already checked it twice, cos i've found some typos there, haha :p

  2. Hallo Via. I've read your blog and it is a good summary about netiqutte. I can understand it easily.

  3. Hi!! It's great. But, it looks better if you explain more about netiquette. Good job :)
