Disney Snow White Glitter

Jumat, 20 Mei 2016


yuhuuu second semester. I really enjoy this semester because I can learn more anything about writing. I can enjoy anything in writing. So bye second semester.I can post anything in my blog from funny story until post card I enjoy everything when I post my writing in this blog. So I hope I can use this blog again in third semester.I have memories to in writing class with my friend and I love that momments.

My first and My last puppy

When I was in Junior High school. My parents gave me a puppy. I called him beep because his nose was pink. I was so happy when I opened my bed room I saw him was sleeping. I really love him.Everyday when I came to home I always found my puppy and played with him. one day my uncle came from jakarta and he told me to sell my puppy because my puppy was so cute. I said no because my puppy is mine and no one could take my puppy from me. he just laughed. one day in a midnight my mom heard that my puppy was crying, but she did not care about that because she thought that beep just played with another puppy. in the morning when I got up I opened my house and I called my puppy but I got no answer. I asked my mom where my puppy was, she told me that my puppy was crying last night. I asked my mom "why you did not wake me up" I cried and I tried to find my puppy. I asked my neigbor and they said no. I felt like my puppy was gone, I did not met him and I cried all long day. my dad asked me what happened. I told that beep was gone and I cried again because my father. Then my mom called me to go ouside house she told me that my puppy was killed by someone because she saw a rock and there was blood on the rock. I cried and decided I will kill someone who has killed my puppy. my mom said that I must let my puppy. my dad said that he wanted to buy me another dog again. but I said no because I'm afraid that if I have puppy again someone will kill my puppy again. so from that accident i decided not to take care any pets again because I am afraid it will happen again.
From This Story I learned that I can not have my pet always be with me forever. I must let him go. I just have 3 months to be with him :(

Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

My Postcard

Dear Calum

Hi calum.. How are you? I went to Raja Ampat on vacation. Do you know where Raja Ampat is? it is in indonesia, West Papua. It is a beautiful island I have ever seen. It is the heaven for the divers. I knew you like diving so I think you have to come to Raja Ampat. I guess you will love this place. Hope you can come to here and enjoy the island. Maybe next year I will go to here again because I love this island. I like to eat fish here again because it is very fresh. I hope we can go to here together.

your lovely

Casual Style is my favorite style

Hi guys I want describe my favorite style. My favorite style is casual because when I wear it I feel comfortable because it is very simple to wear. Usually when we are wearing casual style we will feel comfortable when we are doing our daily routine. Usually people like to wear T-shirt and jeans but casual style has many kinds, we can modify it with a jacket or sweater for the top at the bottom we can use legging or jeans. How about the shoes? We can wear sandals,flat shoes,sport shoes,sneakers,boots also you can wear high heels. If you feel bored you can try jumpsuit because it is very simple too and if you like to wear skirt you can wear a T-shirt for the top and a belt if you want. Do not forget to wear watch and another accessories like necklace,scarf or bracelet. How about the bag? I think casual style can fit with any bag you want. I think you can use baguette bag, clutch bag, envelope bag and shoulder bag. If you want to go to school you can use shoulder bag and if you want to hang out with your friend you can use baguette bag, clutch bag or envelope bag because you do not have to bring many things. If you want to add accessories when you hang out you can put a hat on your head. But remember you have fit the color matching because that can help you to make you still perfect. How about me? I like to wear T-shirt with jeans also for the accessories is watch because I feel comfortable and for shoes I wear flat shoes. I always use a shoulder bag because I can bring anything. Now many people like to use casual styles.