Disney Snow White Glitter

Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

My first and My last puppy

When I was in Junior High school. My parents gave me a puppy. I called him beep because his nose was pink. I was so happy when I opened my bed room I saw him was sleeping. I really love him.Everyday when I came to home I always found my puppy and played with him. one day my uncle came from jakarta and he told me to sell my puppy because my puppy was so cute. I said no because my puppy is mine and no one could take my puppy from me. he just laughed. one day in a midnight my mom heard that my puppy was crying, but she did not care about that because she thought that beep just played with another puppy. in the morning when I got up I opened my house and I called my puppy but I got no answer. I asked my mom where my puppy was, she told me that my puppy was crying last night. I asked my mom "why you did not wake me up" I cried and I tried to find my puppy. I asked my neigbor and they said no. I felt like my puppy was gone, I did not met him and I cried all long day. my dad asked me what happened. I told that beep was gone and I cried again because my father. Then my mom called me to go ouside house she told me that my puppy was killed by someone because she saw a rock and there was blood on the rock. I cried and decided I will kill someone who has killed my puppy. my mom said that I must let my puppy. my dad said that he wanted to buy me another dog again. but I said no because I'm afraid that if I have puppy again someone will kill my puppy again. so from that accident i decided not to take care any pets again because I am afraid it will happen again.
From This Story I learned that I can not have my pet always be with me forever. I must let him go. I just have 3 months to be with him :(

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